Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Attention: Those Who Got a C in French II When You REALLY Deserved a Failing Grade...

So maybe there I am speaking from personal experience here. ;) Language is NOT my thing. I struggle with it more than any other subject I've ever studied. However, that won't prevent me from travelling to non-English speaking countries. While, yes, many Europeans do speak English, knowing basic language can show an interest in the culture of the country you are visiting and common courtesy, as well as for being prepared in case of emergency.

In comes "1-Day Language." These 75-minute CD's, along with the 8 page booklets, teach "50 key words and a handful of phrases" in your desired language. And best of all, they are a steal at $10.95!

I'll be picking one up to refresh on my Spainish before my honeymoon in Playa del Carmen!

CD's are available in French, Italian, and Spainish from www.flight001.com .

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