Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fine, I give in...

Since childhood, I've been lucky enough to grace the friendly skies with my presence on a fairly frequent basis. In the past, my typical luggage purchases have been of the standard cloth, rolling upright variety, usually in a boring shade of black. Unfortunately, though, they just don't hold up like I'd like them to--my latest set (a mid-range, highly rated set) has lasted exactly a year! That's a rather dismal shelf life, in my book.

So, on to something bigger and better. This set was a bit more of an investment, but I'm hoping it pays off. I am going with a hardsided bag praying that it will hold up a bit better than my past sets have. Suprisingly, these are pretty light weight as well. In fact, more light weight than most of the comparable cloth uprights I've been checking out! Additionally, a little known tidbit is that hardsided bags also usually have the benefit of more space due to the rounded nature of the bags--big bonus for Ashley.

Also, as I'm sure is the case with many frequent fliers, I am SO over looking for my bags as they fly passed on the luggage carousel. Lifting bags that aren't yours just to find out they aren't yours SUCKS (although, I will freely admit that my husband is usually the one doing the lifting). ;) Regardless, this time I went with something a bit more.....distinctive.


Something tells me finding these beauties will be a bit less of an issue than my standard black uprights of the past. ;)


Jennifer said...

Love the bags, girlie!! Definitely will stand out on the conveyor belt ;)

Jennifer said...

Love the bags, girlie!! Definitely will stand out on the conveyor belt ;)