::Waving hi::
A new year a new start. Well, that was kind of true. I said I was going to write when I felt inspired, and, truthfully, the inspiration was lacking. Between job hunting in this economy (depressing!), work, school, etc, inspiration was hiding, and quite cleverly, too!
But, what a difference a few months makes! How about, “A new life, a new start”?
It’s hard to believe that I’m saying this, but I’ve landed my dream job! Literally and truly my dream job.
And, to top that off, without going into too many of the details, my husband and will be making a major relocation and starting over in a new city (yes, city!).
What does this have to do with this blog, you ask? Well…..
I’m now an airline employee! (!!!!) Which means free flights to anywhere in the world! Ha! Oh, the dangers of this for my pocketbook. Although, having lived in a small market for my entire life, not having to pay $1500 for an airline ticket (what we paid for our tickets to Greece EACH) frees up a lot of cash for hotels. ;)
Anyway, bottom line--you can expect to hear a lot more from me in the coming months. As we make a valiant attempt to circle the globe, I’ll be trying to post any helpful information I gather along the way here. :)
It’s going to be a bit slow here for a little while, though, as I attempt to finish up my masters degree, have a full time job, a part time job, and commute between cities (and states) for work/school (that was exhausting just typing it!), but in the meantime, I’ll try to post some pics from some recent vacations (we’ve been busy bees!).
Anyway, if you’re still out there, I hope to be much more active around here! :) ::waves hi!::
I look forward to your new blog posts! Congrats again on the new job!
Good to see you back! Congrats on the new job!!
:waving hi back:
Congrats on the new job! I can't wait to see what the new blog posts hold.
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